Water treatment technologies

Water treatment technologies

Over two decades we focus on designing, projecting and implementing of water treatment technologies and we can always offer the best and most economical solutions adapted to your specific requirements.

Industrial applications

Industrial applications

Our goal is to provide comprehensive water treatment solutions that will not only comply with the statutory provisions of the individual process solutions, but also will be economic and environmentally friendly.

Virtual tour

Virtual tour

Virtual tour of mobile containerized unit of capacity 240 m3/h. The ultrafiltration unit treats industrial waste water and recycle the water back to the system; industrial water re-use. View


Hybrid Technology

05/2022 Hybrid Technology

BKG delivered unique hybrid technology of low pressure reverse osmosis and electrical sorption for sea water desalination for a hotel resort in Tanzania.

05/2019 Installation of equipment

Start of installation of membrane degasifying unit for pharmaceutical industry ...

What is the water treatment?

The term WATER TREATMENT covers a wide range of technological processes to modify the physical, chemical, biological and microbiological properties of water for various purposes. Most frequent issue is a potable and process water treatment for the requirements of various types of industries, pharmacy, households and other applications.
The principle and variety of the water treatment plant depends on the origin and quality of raw (untreated) water. The purpose of the separation unit is to remove undesirable substances contained in the raw water together with substances added in the water treatment process.

Which treatment to choose?

Filtration, softening, desalination, disinfection and other water treatment processes are performed primarily for industrial purposes, power, chemical, food and pharmaceutical sectors. Naturally also any other sectors where the water treatment is required. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding your questions and eventual proposal requests of an appropriate solution to your problem, or you can také a look at our e-shop and choose a less demanding devices yourselves. We have a rich experience in the field and we have the technologies and the professionals who will always give you an expert advice.

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