Home Filtration Technology

Filtration Technology

Installation of filtration technologies for water filtration nowadays becomes a common part not only in all industrial sectors, medium or small sized bussinesses, but even in households and everywhere else, where the strict requirements are set for compliance of valid regulations regarding composition and quality of both drinking water and technical water.
In general, the filtration is a method which separates undesirable solid particles (sand, rust, sediment, etc.) from the used media (water, air). We cassify this category of water treatment into the basic and the most frequent undesirable particles and substances, which occurs in private and public water sources (for example wells, boreholes, water mains, etc.) and describe the causes and impacts of their presence in the water, including the possible solutions.

Mechanical impurities  

Mechanical impurities





Iron and Manganese  

Iron and Manganese

Nitrates / Nitrites  

Nitrates / Nitrites

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