Home Food Industry

Food Industry

Water quality requirements in the food industry are different for each product. Water treatment is used for both production of the product itself and also the water intended to specific manufacturing processes, such as boiler water, steam, CIP, rinsing and alike. It´s therefore about the production water and the process water.

Water treatment for various products and manufacturing process
Due to a vast number of reference applications in food and beverage processing industry, we are able to offer our experience in designing and production of water treatment technologies such as water filtration, softening or desalination, that will be optimal both for the production itself, as well as ancillary technologies that will benefit from installation of water treatment plant.

Reverse osmosis and water filtration
BKG company has the experience with water treatment for brewing, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages production and production of table water, juices and other sweetened beverages. Another examples of food production where the water treatment is applied is the pasta production, production of biscuits or wafers, but it is also necessary in the production of food complements as baking powder, stabilizers or artificial flavors. Water treatment is also used in sugar mills etc.. Technologies which are mainly used in the food industry are reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration.

BKG emphasizes that the outlet water from our water treatment plants in the food and beverages industry can be utilized in as many products as well as in other process applications in the overall operation as possible, with the operating costs in mind. These include for example the connection of the water treatment plant into operation of the overall production line.

The complex water treatment in food and beverage industry
For the food and beverage industry, we offer these following water treatment technologies:

  • ultrafiltration units or filter units
  • ion exchange water softening units
  • water decarbonization units
  • reverse osmosis units
  • water disinfection units
  • process water storage tanks
  • water pumping systems for individual processes or production steps

Depending on your individual requirements and specifications BKG will manage the design and production of water treatment plant, together with a delivery and installation. Subsequently we also provide the necessary programming/automation and technology start-up, documents (design as built), maintenance, service support, spare parts and operational parts supply.

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